How To Make Money With Photography (a big fucking question)

If you’re me, the answer is, don’t try.

At least not yet, not the first…six or seven years of learning.

That is, I’ve valued my independence, and felt too readily capitalism’s stranglehold over the traditional avenues for people at my level (not especially good at anything other than that which I deem valuable from an artistic expression standpoint) and in my geographical context (Iowa, USA).

I worked whatever menial job afforded me the time to walk about with my camera. And I eschewed digital photography with its ever-improving-necessitating-buying-new-equipment, for why participate in the mass gear acquisition syndrome when I could barely afford to purchase, let alone develop, let alone scan at high resolution, the film I’d been shooting for years, when I could use cameras and lenses 40, 50, 60 years old that would produce negatives which, when scanned, when eventually scanned, how many ever years I’d have to wait, would produce images of a resolution to rival any DSLR for most intents and purposes?

Over time, here and there, unexpectedly, I made money—and I enjoyed doing so, for I said, “No,” often and comfortably, or I explained why I felt uncomfortable accepting the task, which had the effect of corralling the task into one where I felt joy at undertaking it. And where I could use that camera and film which I was already carrying.

This past year I’ve made a bit more, and I purchased a 5 year old digital camera, and adapters, so that I could use my old lenses still, and I’ve done a bit of wedding photography and photojournalism, and it’s left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth, though I suspect not as much as if I’d sought the work out myself, rather than let it come to me.

So, how to make money in photography? I’ve not changed my tactics: become good enough, that people want to purchase a single print which I saw in my mind’s eye in a moment while walking by.

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